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Dealing With Your Winter Pet Problems: Ideas For You

When the seasons change and winter takes hold, you may notice an increase in pest issues in your home. This is because, just like you and all other creatures big and small, these pests are attempting to seek shelter and stay warm throughout the long, cold winter months. However, this can be a major nuisance and problem for you and your home. Get to know some of the ways that you can deal with the common pests you may encounter in your home this winter.


Spiders are among the most common household pests that you may encounter during the winter months. The first thing you need to know about dealing with spiders in your home, is that they generally prefer to set up residence in areas that are darker, quiet, and that are not frequently disturbed.

This means that spiders often choose closets, attics and basements as their main hideouts. If you have clutter in an area that lends itself well to a spider creating a web that will not frequently be disturbed, you can bet they will be there. And, of course, spiders are known for liking to hide out in clothing and shoes.

So, first and foremost, try to keep your home as clear of clutter as possible so you will easily see any spiderwebs that pop up. Also, shake out your clothes and shoes before you put them on to make sure you do not end up with any spider bites putting on your clothing. Sealing up small cracks along windows and door frames can also help you reduce your home's spider population. If your spiders are especially bad, you can contact a pest control company to help you out. They can help to (at least) cut off the spider's food supply of other insects so that your home will no longer be a desirable place to set up shop.


Mice are warm-blooded creatures just like other mammals. So, while they are happy to be outside during the warmer months, in the winter, they seek shelter in the warmest and safest place possible. To help keep mice out of your home, the first step you will need to take is to seal up holes and cracks around the outside of your home.

Even if you see a hole that seems way too small for a mouse to make it through, do not ignore it. Holes as small as a dime may be large enough for a mouse to squeeze itself through. If you do find that your home has a mice infestation, you can (of course) set traps. However, some people are squeamish about killing and disposing of mice.

There are no-kill or live mouse trap options available as well. Mice are lured into a metal box using bait in some cases or merely are designed to look like another pathway that they travel through. Once the mouse is inside the trap, it cannot leave. These traps can hold several mice at a time. You will just have to remember to check the trap and take the mice outside, far away from your home to release them before they get dehydrated in the trap.

For more information, contact Ace Walco & Sons Termite & Pest Control or a similar company.
