Eco-Friendly Approaches To Garden Fountains That Use Up Almost No Natural Resources

Garden water fountains are an effective way to decorate the garden around your house. However, if you enjoy nature, it helps to make sure your fountains are as eco-friendly as possible so that you can help out nature while enjoying it at the same time. Solar-powered Garden Fountains A problem that water fountains have for the environmentally-conscious is that they tend to use a lot of energy because you have them on all of the time. [Read More]

Battling High Blood Pressure? Should You Switch To A Salt-Free Water Softener?

Whether you've only recently been diagnosed with high blood pressure, or have been battling this "silent killer" for years, you may be looking for ways to lower your salt intake (and therefore your blood pressure) without dramatically compromising your lifestyle. As you begin to survey the various ways salt can enter your body, your attention may be drawn to an unsuspecting culprit -- your water softener. Can the pellets of salt used to remove mineral ions from your drinking water be adding to your sodium intake? [Read More]

Ways House Cleaners Can Help After A Remodeling Project

If you have recently completed any type of renovation work in your home, your home may be extremely dirty when the work is completed. Because of this, your home may be in need of deep cleaning before you can really enjoy your newly remodeled home.   Reasons for Hiring a House Cleaning Service Many remodeling contractors realize the home will need to be cleaned after their work is completed. Often they may have a crew to handle the cleaning of your home when their work is finished. [Read More]

4 Ways To Clean Your Decorative Glass Vases

Decorative glass vases can help you create gorgeous flower displays. If you use your vases frequently, over time you may notice that when you fill them, the water becomes cloudy or you start to see mineral deposits and other stains. Here are some easy ways for you to clean your vases, so that your flower displays continue to look great. Lemon Juice and Salt One easy way to clean your glass vases is to use salt, lemon juice and water. [Read More]