Creative Ideas For Your Paver Patio

Pavers afford you seemingly unlimited design options for your patio. Not only are they appropriate for any size space, but their quick installation means your patio is ready to be used as soon as the project is finished. Pavers come in stone, brick and concrete in a wide variety of colors, shapes and sizes. Get creative with your patio design by having pavers installed in an attractive layout. Mixed Media [Read More]

4 Tips For Decorating Outdoors For Spring

As the spring season approaches, it is time to put away the winter decorations, and become inspired by new blooms. Flowers definitely become the inspiration behind spring decorating for your porch, deck, and patio, but that's not all. Here are some tips for decorating your outdoor spaces for the spring season. Use Picnic Tables Who doesn't love a picnic in the spring? Many furniture stores and home improvement stores now sell full-size picnic tables, just like the ones you find at the park. [Read More]

Three Problems That Can Plague Your Lilac Tree

Lilac trees add a splash of color to a backyard. They're relatively easy to grow and generally require little maintenance, aside from annual pruning to encourage new growth. Sometimes, however, lilac trees can contract a disease or attract bothersome insects that cause them to look less than brilliant. If you have a lilac bush in your yard, keep an eye out for these three conditions that may plague it. Mealy Bugs [Read More]

Three Of The Most Common Lanscaping Myths And The Real Truth Behind Them

Even though there's plenty of information readily available about landscaping, there's still a lot of misinformation out there. It seems like certain myths take hold, and like a stubborn weed, just won't go away. Here's a look at some of the most common myths about landscaping, and the real truth behind those myths. Myth #1: Watering Plants in the Evening Saves Water At first glance, this one might make sense. Watering in the day, the myth states, will only cause the water to evaporate. [Read More]